
The home of construction sites

Meet the team

brian  Managing director Brian Shillibeer is an experienced journaliswho brings many years experience to our publications. As well as editing The Installer Brian manages the .pro news websites and prepares our twice weekly newsletters.
Contact: bian.shilibeer@profinder.eu
jr mug Finance director John Roper has worked as a journalist in the glass and window trades for forty years. He is editor of The Fabricator, he handles print production and works on the news websites with Brian Shilibeer.

Contact: john.roper@profinder.eu


cathryn Cathryn Ellis,the third member of the management team,  supports Brian and John in the day-to-day running of Profinder Media and ensures efficient administrative services..
She is also social media editor and promotes the magazines on several social media sites as well as maintaining Profinder Media's well established mailing data.
Contact: cathryn.ellis@profinder.eu


Sales manager Steve Anthony I well known in the window industry with many years experience in advertising the last 25 with The Fabricator and The Installer magazines and now our web offering on The Fabricator.pro and The Installer.pro
Contact Steve on: steve.anthony@profinder.eu
Telephone him on: 07967585475
mehreen  Senior account manager Mehreen Haroon-Ali has worked in window industry advertising for over 25 years. In additioon to selling display advertising on The Fabricator and The Installer magazines she has special resposibility for classified advertiising as well as The Fabricator.pro and The Installer.pro.
Contact Mehreen on: mehreen@profinder.eu
Telephone her on: 07932 243008

All images and text: Copyright © 2024 Profinder Media Ltd















Copyright © 2013 John Roper